General Dentisry
No regular dental cleaning routine can match the results of a professional Hygiene scale and polish.

Orthodontic treatment can focus on dental displacement only, or can deal with the control and modification of facial growth as a child matures.

Implant dentistry
A dental implant is an artificial tooth root which is placed within the bone to form the support structure for a tooth-like restoration.

There are many sleep solutions that we offer to help improve sleep length and sleep quality as well as solutions to snoring and sleep apnoea.

Teeth Whitening
A variety of lifestyle factors – smoking, drinking coffee or tea, eating coloured foods, etc. – can result in staining to your teeth.

Porcelain Veneers
By placing porcelain over the surfaces of your teeth, our dentists can make your teeth appear straighter, whiter and perfect.

Crowns and Bridges
Generally, a crown is recommended when a tooth is weak, fractured or discoloured, to improve its appearance and function. A bridge is constructed to fill the gap of a missing tooth by putting a crown on both sides of the gap and a floating crown (pontic) in the middle to bridge that gap.

Splint & TMJ Therapy
If you have noticed clicking in your jaw, sore jaw muscles or frequent headaches, you may be suffering from tempromandibular joint (TMJ) disorder.

Children's Dentistry
It is generally recommended that children have their first dental check up within 6 months of the eruption of their first tooth and when all their teeth appears in the mouth at about 3 years of age.